Inchberry and District Community Association
Photos kindly used with permission from Steven Gallagher photography
The Inchberry and District Community Association welcomes you. Located in the beautiful Spey Valley, the object of the IDCA is to promote activity which increases the welfare of the inhabitants of our community. We endeavour to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare, recreation and leisure with the object of improving the conditions of life for the members of our community.
The Inchberry and District Community Association (IDCA) is a registered Scottish charity. Registration No: SCO08680
The Inchberry Hall
Run by the local community for the benefit of the community, Inchberry Hall is a modern, Spey valley, facility in a wooded countryside setting where: Weddings; Parties; Marketing meetings; Displays; Aerobic or Health and Fitness sessions; Antique Shows; Dancing; Art Classes; Band practise; Craft Fairs; Theatre Groups; Team Building; Group meetings; can all be undertaken comfortably with plentiful parking in complete freedom, safely.
CLICK HERE for booking enquiries.
For any other community association business, please email
Copyright ©2025 Inchberry and District Community Council